As a small production company, we used to reach out to brands and offered our services.
Snickers said yes.

We created and produced 3 video for a digital campaign promoting their new product innovation:
Each Snicker package had a different mood you turn to when you are hungry. 
I wrote, directed, and edited these 3 videos. 
Here’s my favorite, enjoy: 

The boss enters the office, he opens an empty pizza box and grumbles. Gutierrez is just eating in the background.
The boss looks at him. 

Boss: What do you have there, Gutierrez?

Gutierrez:  I’ve already finished it, sir. 

Boss: Well, I wanted the reports on this analysis by yesterday, Gutierrez. 

The Boss shoves a bunch of folders on Gutierrez’s lap. 

Gutierrez:  Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Gutierrez starts working in turbo mode. His phone rings, 3 messages appear:

Messages: “Gutierrez”
“I need them now”

Gutierrez keeps working, his phone rings. 

Gutierrez:  Yes? Hello? 

Boss: Are those reports ready, Gutierrez? 

Gutierrez:  I’m on it sir. 

His other phone rings. 

Gutierrez:  I’m sorry sir, I have another call, I’ll ring you back. 

He answers his other phone. 

Gutierrez:  Yes? Hello? 

Boss: Hurry!

Gutierrez:  Yes, sir. 

Hands with post its, phones and even the boss appear and start harassing and hurrying Gutierrez. 

Boss: Hurry Gutierrez, Hurry! 

An alarm start to ring and the camera starts shaking. 

Gutierrez:  You become super intense when you’re hungry sir.

Gutierrez pulls a Snickers out of a drawer and hand it to the boss. 

Gutierrez:  Have a Snickers 

The boss opens and eats the Snickers violently. He clearly is enjoying it. 

Boss: Oh my! Forget that Gutierrez, Let go to the Karaoke, there’s a party, come on. 

Gutierrez:  Coming sir.  

A Snickers appears with different words written on them. 

The Snickers says:   Do you become / Intense / 
/ Grumpy / 
/ Crabby / 
/ Crazy/ 
when you are hungry? 
Have a Snickers!